Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

Personal Statement Example My interest in the field of organizational behavior study connected with the experience I have obtained while working in the settings. There people and the corporate cultures within the companies were different and I have found that there was as well a significant difference in people’s behaviors and the organizations. I found it important to leverage the success of the organization and its employees in managing people and their behavior. Thus, acting without procedures or direct instructions lead to the misunderstandings and misperceptions among the supervisors and employees. That is why I think it is worth implementing the employee empowerment within the organizations to establish proper behavior of their employees. I would very much like to learn more about these trends.   Possessing a proactive outlook on life, I am able to seek and go after the things I want to accomplish in life. This is my commitment toward the people and I want to be an example  to others with my contribution to the society. My first knowing with human resource management started as a result  of my ability to get detailed understanding of the roles human resource play in undertake human issues and further the organizational success.  In this light, I have decided to apply for the program in Human Resource Management, as I am interested to study more about the role it plays in obtaining an organizations goals, which are the recruitment process, training and development of the employees and dealing with their good performance. Allen, M. Ericksen, J. Collins, C. 2013. Human resource management, employee exchange relationships and performance in small businesses, Human Resource Management, Vol. 52, No. 2. Available from

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