Sunday, June 23, 2019

The GeoScot Ltd Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The GeoScot Ltd - Case Study ExampleTo motivate the new and old members of the organization, it is proposed that several strategies be used. By sharing company information with all employees, mentoring the new workforce, integrating the work environment to work in teams and giving personal rewards on good work argon some of the strategies that go forth definitely increase the motivation. However with the expansion, there is a need to divide the office into two segments. Although an ideal option would be to integrate all employees in the old building, but due to lack of space and due to the disadvantages of shifting the office to another location, having two separate offices is the top hat option. This way the new employees are in the new building and the old employees in the old office, however both offices will be synced and interaction will be unbroken strong to integrate their functions. By doing this the experienced and the young graduates will be able to communicate and lear n from each other which is meaty for any organization. This recruitment will be done using the Realistic Job Preview strategy in which the prospective geologists will be given exciting offers and shown the immenseness of GeoScot as well as a chance of earning a bright future for themselves. The drug tested, drug-free workforce will be shown to the world indeed improving the reputation of the company and increasing the chances of earning better employees and contracts with partners in the future.ContentsContents3Hiring a New HR Manager4Factors to prevail in Mind4Cost4Personal Characteristics/Skills5Need for Evaluation5 friendship Dynamics6Company indemnity6Total Employees6Decision7Motivation7Hygiene Factor7Mentoring helps in Motivation8Share Company information9Integrated Work Environment9Encourage Groups and Teams10New Blood versus Old Blood10New Information11Different Perspective of the Market11Globalization11Location Decision12Recruitment Strategy13Job commentary14Selection Devices14Application Form14Interview15Paper n Pencil Test15Assessment centerfield15Drug testing15Advantages16Disadvantages16Need Creation17Creating Awareness 17Education about Drug Testing17Explaining the Need17References18Hiring a New HR ManagerEmploying a HR manager is a big decision for a company like GeoScot Ltd. since it is a small sized company and in its introductory phase. Usually when hiring any employee, there needs to be a substitute evaluation of the candidates before any decision can be made. For the situation the company is in, the current requirements and the future needs all have to be kept in mind before the decision of part time or permanent HR manager is taken. Factors to Keep in MindThere are various factors that can influence the decision one way or the other. CostThe cost plays a major part in the decision making. A part time employee hired on a contract instead of on a permanent basis can give many economical benefits as well (Zhu, 2005). For example, GeoS cot may need to invest in various funds related to each permanent employee, some of which is even paid to the employee when he/she leaves the organization. All these expenses are nil in case of contractual employees. So, hiring an employee on a contractual basis would be economically suitable as well. merely since the organization is in the running for 3 years now, it would have some available funding to hire a full time HR manager.

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